Grace Darling Primary School, part of the Northumberland Church of England Academy Trust, is celebrating the outcome of their recent OFSTED inspection, which judged the school to be ‘Good’ in all aspects.

In the inspection carried out on the 2nd and 3rd of July 2024, Inspectors noted pupils behave well and know to be ready, respectful and safe. Pupils look after one another and classrooms are calm and orderly. Bullying is extremely rare and pupils trust adults to sort out any problems. Pupils say they enjoy school and “beamed with pride and self-belief”. This is reflected through “the outcomes in national assessments in reading, writing and mathematics [which] demonstrate the good progress that pupils make over time in these subjects.” 

“There are numerous opportunities for pupils to experience learning outside the classroom, such as ‘Beach School’, which features water safety lessons and care for the environment. Every child is encouraged to take part in numerous school clubs.”

Leaders are ambitious and have created “a curriculum that will ensure that pupils have the knowledge and aspirations to lead a ‘life without limits’”, the curriculum is inclusive of everybody which is demonstrated throughout the school, including through the use of the SEND provision, described by Ofsted as “holistic and highly effective”. The curriculum “meets the needs of all pupils, including those with special education needs/disabilities” with staff making appropriate adaptations to the curriculum so that individuals are supported to be successful in accessing the entire curriculum.

“The curriculum is precisely sequenced and the most important knowledge for pupils to learn is clearly identified. As a result, pupils can remember what they have been taught over time”. 

“The school’s curriculum and provision for early years, including for two-year-olds, is well planned. Adults focus on developing children’s communication and language. This is effective. The learning environments are stimulating and children enjoy their play. Children make strong progress from their starting points.“

Sharon Cole, Headteacher at Grace Darling, said:

“We are absolutely delighted that our school has been recognised as a Good school by Ofsted. At Grace Darling, our priority is to nurture and support children so that they are safe, happy and successful and our report recognises our efforts. The children here will tell you that we are like a family and we all look after each other. Newbiggin by the Sea is a very special place and we are proud of everyone who is a part of our school community.”   

Alan Hardie, Northumberland Church of England Academy Trust’s CEO commented:

“I am delighted that OFSTED recognise the high aspirations that Grace Darling’s staff have for their pupils, the school’s key role in the local community in Newbiggin and the hard work the staff put into delivering this. There is praise for the school environment, which ensures that pupils feel safe, happy and can learn effectively in the nurturing atmosphere. This is a great report that the whole school community can feel very proud of”.

Photo caption: Pupils from Grace Darling celebrate their latest Ofsted result with Headteacher Sharon Cole.