Positive mental health is the foundation on which each of us can live healthier lives. With good mental health we are more likely to be motivated and engaged in our learning, realise and achieve our potential, choose healthier lifestyles, engage in all the world has to offer, shout out when abuse is occurring, seek help when times are tough and recover a sense of wellbeing and achievement following traumatic experiences.

Mental Health First Aid

We now have a number of qualified Mental Health First Aiders in school to help support our pupils and staff with any concerns they may have.

Our mental health lead and wellbeing lead for pupils is : Ā Mrs Fawcus
Our mental health and wellbeing lead for staff is : Ā Mrs Fawcus

Being updated… | Information on Grace Darlings Mental health Policy

Providing pupils with as many opportunities as we can to talk about their feelings through:

  • Wellbeing areas in each classroom;
  • Worry Monsters in classrooms;
  • Mindfulness clubs;
  • Yoga and relaxation activities;
  • Mental health and wellbeing incorporated into PSHE and RSE curriculum;
  • Mental health awareness weeks;
  • Mental health and wellbeing leads;
  • Pupil voice questionnaires;
  • Mental health training offered to all staff and a mental health and wellbeing policy for everyone.

NSPCC Mental Health and Suicide | Advice on recognising signs of anxiety and depression in children.

Young Minds | Support for parents

NHS Mental Health | Information on youth mental health services for parents and carers

MindEd | Free educational mental health resources